Sunday, October 28, 2007
Not Remembering the Past
We are almost to Graysons eleven month birthday. He is huge and has been neutered, weighing in at over 125 pounds so far. He has another 6 months or so before he no longer is considered a puppy. He eats well his puppy chow, made for pups that have large bones and he is sleek and shinny with a massive head and huge white teeth, which he doesn't use on people, just tree limbs, tennis balls, old shoes, old leather objects like gardening gloves or anything he can get his teeth into. He starts "dog college" tomorrow night and has already learned to heal, sit and down, but has a hard time "staying". We walk an hour each day and that helps him be socialized more with car noises in the distance, neighbors dogs and any other distraction that can happen. He is learning. I'm learning. And good things are beginning to happen. The challenges have arisen too. It has been many years since our last Dane puppy. We have noticed that we don't have the energy we did in the past. So I'm thankful my choice has been to see the good improvement that Grayson has made. Not remembering the past bad behavior. And it reminds me that is how the Father in heaven has looked at me. Not remembering the past, when I have been distracted by anything that came my way and I lost my concentration on what He was trying to teach me. Yet He still focuses on the person I will become by His marvelous grace. Praises forever and ever, Amen
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Fragrance of Fall
The smell of rain on the dusty leaves creates memories in my mind of the farm and all the creatures that dwelt amongst the pasture fence lines that were their habitat. I see Jubilee who was my rescued burro. Brando our son's horse of many years, happy with his pasture mates, the other horses that boarded at our place. The fall rain that created new shoots of green to sprout forth after several days of wet sky's for the sheep to graze upon. Even the dogs and cats were sniffing the cool crisp air. The fragrance was as perfume. Now the apple and pumpkin pies will be baking and the rooms here will be filled with other aroma's of the season.
The autumn spices in the candles are being lit on rainy evenings.The pumpkin decor is on the front porch with appropriate colored mums. The wreaths of leaves are hanging from the front doors to greet everyone that visits. Thank you Lord for the changing of the seasons...and the gift to be able to smell.
The autumn spices in the candles are being lit on rainy evenings.The pumpkin decor is on the front porch with appropriate colored mums. The wreaths of leaves are hanging from the front doors to greet everyone that visits. Thank you Lord for the changing of the seasons...and the gift to be able to smell.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
And the Angels Sang
The mood was exhilarating. The orchestra superb. The choir rehearsed, and the angels sang for joy and celebration with us. You could hear the deep notes of the bass and high soprano sounds as the music wafted through the huge auditorium, even the sound system which was working well couldn't keep the angel voices from being heard. They sang with us in rich melody and harmony as we did out human best to praise our Lord and Redeemer with songs of praise and adoration. Under the gifted skill of Ralph Carmichael, a christian composer and orchestra leader of many years we sang unified and in one accord. It was a once in a life time experience for my husband and my self. We had sung many years with the symphony choir and many years after in our own church choir, however where we attend now there is no choir and the joy of being able to practice and be in this very special event was worth all the miles to drive for rehearsals to prepare for a mass choir of over 400 voices from all over the northern part of our state. A foretaste of heaven was my thought as we drove home last Sabbath evening...People from every kindred tribe and nation...Young and old alike standing side by side singing praises to our Lord. My mind mused at the thought of the day's activity. The heavenly choir will be like that too and "What a joy that will be, when my Saviours face I see, when I look upon His face, the one who saved me by His grace. Other words and ends with, what a joy, glorious joy that will be." (song) I don't know the author... but the sentiments are so true for all of us. There is a mass choir being prepared for all those who want to sing in it and the Angels will sing with us. Jesus himself will sing too. And it does not matter if you have a singing voice, only if you have a singing heart. God will give you the voice when we all get to heaven...Praise Him for ever and ever...Amen
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Back To Earth And Upward
The whirlwind has calmed. The filming is completed and one program has been aired already. Three more in the future to be aired in their rightful time slots. Life has begun to take shape here at home again, after a wonderful Camp meeting and one daughters 30Th wedding anniversary celebrated last week end. So my feet are beginning to fit back on earth again. Walks in the woods await. Laundry being folded and put away after a good tumble in the dryer. Every day chores, such as doing dishes after meals and just basking in the reality of being home. New goals and activities to put in proper place and schedule end of summer picnics and creating a newer version of my cook book. Have some fun ideas and looking forward to the publishers response. Went to a wonderful gospel concert last evening in a dear friends back yard. She was celebrating the completion of her brick patio where all the round tables, linens,and crystal were displayed for guests to enjoy a lovely buffet and the music. All this over looked the lights of the many homes and roadways across the river. Lovely setting for an evening gathering. Gave me some good ideas. But the things I have learned over the last several months I do not want to forget. For I spent untold amounts of money, energy and time to be prepared, emotionally, physically and spiritually for my trip for the cooking show. I've thought about this much since my return. Have I or am I willing to do the same for the soon coming of my Lord in the clouds to take His children upward to their heavenly home?
To practice self denial of food, clothing or any other passion that would keep my focus distracted from being prepared. Would I give of myself of time and money to help prepare others for that glorious day as well. Oh, Father my prayer is that you take this earthen vessel and prepare me for that day of which we all long for. The coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. In His name I pray. Amen
To practice self denial of food, clothing or any other passion that would keep my focus distracted from being prepared. Would I give of myself of time and money to help prepare others for that glorious day as well. Oh, Father my prayer is that you take this earthen vessel and prepare me for that day of which we all long for. The coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. In His name I pray. Amen
Friday, July 27, 2007
The Stuffed Pumpkin
The picture of the pumpkin is one I did years ago for a magazine shoot. I so wanted to do the demonstration again this year when I did the taping of a television cooking show called "Let's Cook". However the pumpkins were not ripe and so could not do it in the month of July!...However the beauty of the orb shaped vegetable is so lovely and it makes me think that I want to go home again for those festive meals gathered round a table with family and friends...Pumpkin pie, Mashed potatoes and all the trimmings for a Thanksgiving meal...No turkey anymore since we have changed our eating habits. But home anyway, because it really isn't about the meal as much as it is being together...But Mom and Dad, they rest in the grave, awaiting that glorious sound of the trumpet...And there will be a feast better than anything we know...No carved turkey or a stuffed pumpkin but the royal fixings of the food of the King of the ages...Jesus who we can live and reign with forever...Then instead of home again, it will be Home Forever. Praise God he is making the table ready.
Monday, July 2, 2007
The Event
The day had arrived and the food prepared for the big event of friends 50th wedding anniversary. The morning was spent in last minute doings, such as loading the car with all the needed items for decorations, food and any other thing that would be needed for a festive afternoon. My friend Pat, who helped was a novice in regards to catering, but willing to lend a helping hand when and wherever she was needed. We arrived at the church at the appointed time, gathered another 2 gals who were helping, for prayer to help things run smoothly.About 6 hours later we were packed again and heading home. We both were so tired we could hardly talk. I had jammed my right thumb nail and pulled it backwards, causing a large hematoma at my nail line and grabbed a falling glass just as it broke and cut the top of my right palm just under where the fingers begin. We were so thankful the injuries would heal and a nice time was had by all guests. They never knowing the behind the scene drama. The food was abundant, the hall looked elegant in the candle glow, roses in big vases provided beauty in soft shades of peach and off white "Bride and Groom" were a handsome couple in their 80's. What a precious honoring of their years together with children and grandchildren sharing moments of closeness and fun in growing up in the same household.
There is a banquet being prepared by our Lord and He is sending out His servants to call everyone to the table prepared for them. Surely there will be roses and candle glow and food in abundance. I think I hear His call right now. Let's go together
There is a banquet being prepared by our Lord and He is sending out His servants to call everyone to the table prepared for them. Surely there will be roses and candle glow and food in abundance. I think I hear His call right now. Let's go together
Monday, June 25, 2007
Time is Running Out
The schedule is fast paced and there's more to do than I can really accomplish. Oh, Lord help me to do the duty at hand and do the tasks that I have taken on...Big catering event on the weekend. Plus going to spin at our monthly spinning meeting mid week...How did I ever get so over extended? I ask Lord for You to help me, there is also the 10 days of fasting and prayer starting at our mid-week service at church... Making our sanctuary a House of Prayer. Actually I'm so thankful that this is happening for we don't want to make it a den of thieves, but a safe place were our characters are not stolen by gossip and unkind surmising but a place where we can all come and kneel at the foot of your cross and be covered by the spilt blood of the Lamb...Give us love for one another, genuine love that radiates out to warm others hearts and souls and a desire to help those who know You not, for all of us to be ready for Thy return and when You come in angel clouds so very soon, may we all be able to say, "...Lo, this is our God, we have waited for Him and He will save us; this is the Lord; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation." Isaiah 25:9
Monday, June 4, 2007
It's Cookin Time
Well my journey has made an about face and I'm seeking to be up for the adventure...Going to the gym and walking the now 6 months Dane pup every other day. The weight has begun to fall away and my gal friend who is helping me has come over to our home and we have been testing new and old recipes for demonstration and filming...So will show some fun pictures soon...So we will begin a new series of stories and pictures from the Creative Country Cooking that I will be doing for filming in July...Come along for the trip...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Now and Forever
The months have passed quickly since I first started my journey with you my dear reader...For now I'm recovering the sudden loss of my dear Bearonnes, a beautiful tortis-shell cat we had for 16 years...She was a great joy and a lot of fun as a constant companion. Her special ways of talking to us in her bark like meows...Her love she shared by being present and on my lap when ever I'd sit to write in my prayer journal or the times she would be near my feet as I was on the computer or on my lap here as I typed an article or did my blog...So the laundry room is empty where her food bowl sat on the sink so the dogs wouldn't get her food. She no longer greets me in the early morning schedule she knew so well. She was the cat of my heart. She was loved and treasured by all the family members too, for she loved to be on their laps as well, purring her soft musical notes of contentment of being held. The bed seems lonely with no Bear between us. The long bubble baths have no creature on the edge waiting for her drink of warm water to start her morning...But we have the memories and thankfully they were all good ones. Will I ever have a cat again? I would think so when the time is right, however no one can be replaced whether human or animal. All God's creatures are precious snowflakes of His design, no two alike and that's the way it should be. So treasure the ones you love. Love the one's you treasure . For you never know when death takes hold and snatches a loved one away forever in the scheme of earthly existence...But thankfully we have a hope beyond the grave for our human family and friends. The Holy Word speaks to that issue.
"I can tell you this directly from the Lord: that we who are still living when the Lord returns will not rise to meet him ahead of those who are in their graves. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a mighty shout and with the soul-stirring cry of the archangel and the great trumpet call of God. And the believers who are dead will be the first to rise to meet the Lord. Then we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with Him forever. So comfort and encourage each other with this news."I Thessalonians 4:15-19 (TLB)
I don't know about our pets and animals, but there is some comfort in the words in Revelation that speaks to my heart for all the lost pets I have had.
"He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All of that has gone for ever. And the one sitting on the throne said," See, I am making all things new!" And then He said to me, "Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:3-5 (TLB)
So my heart is comforted and there will be a new day tomorrow and yesterday is gone forever. But we have the now and that is why it is called the Present.
"I can tell you this directly from the Lord: that we who are still living when the Lord returns will not rise to meet him ahead of those who are in their graves. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a mighty shout and with the soul-stirring cry of the archangel and the great trumpet call of God. And the believers who are dead will be the first to rise to meet the Lord. Then we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with Him forever. So comfort and encourage each other with this news."I Thessalonians 4:15-19 (TLB)
I don't know about our pets and animals, but there is some comfort in the words in Revelation that speaks to my heart for all the lost pets I have had.
"He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All of that has gone for ever. And the one sitting on the throne said," See, I am making all things new!" And then He said to me, "Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:3-5 (TLB)
So my heart is comforted and there will be a new day tomorrow and yesterday is gone forever. But we have the now and that is why it is called the Present.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The Bear In the Bowl
When I first found her
Oh such a dear.
She looked just like
A tiny wee bear.
She was light as a feather
Cute as a fox.
She loved to sleep
In a small wooden box.
She's not a gopher
She's not a mole,
She is however
The Bear in the bowl.
She's not from a den
Nor from a lair.
But she is indeed
My Cinnamon Bear.
A basket a bucket
Or anything round,
She'd rather sleep there
Than on the cold ground.
She trades places with pillows
When on my bed.
She wraps herself round
The top of my head.
A cat or a bear?
Oh what do you see?
This fluffy dear creature
Who lives here with me.
Her coat is so pretty
Soft orange and black.
She eats from her dish
A tuna meal snack.
I'm sure you have guessed it,
And have it down pat.
Yes, yes she's the dearest
My lovely "bear" cat.
In tribute to our" Bearonness" 1991-2007
Oh such a dear.
She looked just like
A tiny wee bear.
She was light as a feather
Cute as a fox.
She loved to sleep
In a small wooden box.
She's not a gopher
She's not a mole,
She is however
The Bear in the bowl.
She's not from a den
Nor from a lair.
But she is indeed
My Cinnamon Bear.
A basket a bucket
Or anything round,
She'd rather sleep there
Than on the cold ground.
She trades places with pillows
When on my bed.
She wraps herself round
The top of my head.
A cat or a bear?
Oh what do you see?
This fluffy dear creature
Who lives here with me.
Her coat is so pretty
Soft orange and black.
She eats from her dish
A tuna meal snack.
I'm sure you have guessed it,
And have it down pat.
Yes, yes she's the dearest
My lovely "bear" cat.
In tribute to our" Bearonness" 1991-2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
How the month has flown by and I have not been able to write my thoughts. Birthday celebrations, travel to and from each activity and a growing puppy to keep me sharp and on track to teach him his boundaries. He loves leather shoes, my husbands, guests or mine. I have given him my slippers and a variety if shoes, one at a time! Maybe that is the problem. Never give him a shoe he has destroyed to play with for then he feels shoes are his territory...Good idea. My resolve to lose some weight and tighten up the muscle tone by walking has been encouraged by joining a gym to help me realize my goal by mid-July, has started to show some signs of progress. I will be filming a television cooking school then with a very dear gal friend who will help and encourage me to be ready...Thoughts race through my mind regarding my title of a cook book expose' "Thoughts from a Born Again Health Nut" sharing the roller coaster ride of eating meat, to eating vegetarian, to being a vegan and back again several times in my life. So this time I pray that it is the final choice that will help me no longer be on the up and down ride. I want victory for my own body, mind and spirit.
Oh Lord of kitchen, spoon and knife-
Please give me victory in my life.
Make of me a person pure
For in this fight I must endure.
Not for position, place or fame
But to be a credit for Thy name.
Please help me as I loose this weight,
For I will be just what I ate...
Oh Lord of kitchen, spoon and knife-
Please give me victory in my life.
Make of me a person pure
For in this fight I must endure.
Not for position, place or fame
But to be a credit for Thy name.
Please help me as I loose this weight,
For I will be just what I ate...
Monday, April 2, 2007
Time Out

The last several weeks have been busy ones for us. Grand daughters wedding in another state, travel to and fro. Safety in coming and going...Company staying over night and the joy of raising a now four month Great Dane puppy...He has grown with great amazement, as I watch his huge front paws seem to become bigger every day. Friends and family enjoying his awkward going up and down steps and learning to grasp the reality of the word. NO!!! He has carved a place in our hearts as we watch him become larger almost moment by moment... The buds are blooming and the leaves sway in the soft breeze...The tulips and other bulbs speak in color that is is spring...Working with my remaining wool and knitting with my knitting circle of friends who have gathered monthly to spin, knit or bring something to show and tell from the weavers loom inspired me to write this poem
Threads of Promise
Weave O Lord of heaven and hearth, a thread of promise,
Dropped from the spindle of Thy word. Shuttled with Hope,
Encouragement, Love and Joy. Prompting my heart with
Compassion, to reach and touch the cord of humanity.
As You create a tapestry of beauty in each life this day.
Threads of Promise
Weave O Lord of heaven and hearth, a thread of promise,
Dropped from the spindle of Thy word. Shuttled with Hope,
Encouragement, Love and Joy. Prompting my heart with
Compassion, to reach and touch the cord of humanity.
As You create a tapestry of beauty in each life this day.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The vacation had been short. The trip was relaxing with mountains and streams beckoning to my emotions. Alfalfa fields were green with expectation of a rich fall crop.
We had been looking for a summer home or a getaway from the scorching valley heat. Finding an oasis of a cozy cabin and a small trout-filled lake with wild Canadian geese afloat the glistening water, cried out to my heart and soul.
This was the place of our dreams, more than my mind could grasp. Could this be for us? We would have to wait patiently for the Lord to create a way for all the legal maze we would have to go through to acquire this beautiful piece of property.
Arriving home in the late afternoon, I soon discovered that the horses had no water and the temperature was hovering around the 100 decree mark. My first response was anger for the person who had said they would water the horses. Somehow they were unable to follow through with their commitment. However the tub was still empty, good intentions or not, my horses were thirsty.
Then my frustration turned to the realization that I had done that to my Lord on different occasions. When asked to be a helping hand, or a friend in deed, to a friend in need, I had either forgotten or was too busy. "Oh Father, I pled, please forgive me for I have been an unfaithful servant too. Not going where you wanted me to go, watching things on T.V. that was unhealthful to my thoughts and emotions. Also eating food that was unhealthful for the temple of Your Holy Spirit. So I come to ask forgiveness again. Please help me to be a servant who truly listens to You and then faithfully follows the instruction given by Your gracious promptings, for I long to hear those precious words spoken to my heart." "Well done thou good and faithful servant, thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord" Matthew 25:21
p.s. The land and log home were subsequently sold on the court house steps at auction to someone else several years later.
We had been looking for a summer home or a getaway from the scorching valley heat. Finding an oasis of a cozy cabin and a small trout-filled lake with wild Canadian geese afloat the glistening water, cried out to my heart and soul.
This was the place of our dreams, more than my mind could grasp. Could this be for us? We would have to wait patiently for the Lord to create a way for all the legal maze we would have to go through to acquire this beautiful piece of property.
Arriving home in the late afternoon, I soon discovered that the horses had no water and the temperature was hovering around the 100 decree mark. My first response was anger for the person who had said they would water the horses. Somehow they were unable to follow through with their commitment. However the tub was still empty, good intentions or not, my horses were thirsty.
Then my frustration turned to the realization that I had done that to my Lord on different occasions. When asked to be a helping hand, or a friend in deed, to a friend in need, I had either forgotten or was too busy. "Oh Father, I pled, please forgive me for I have been an unfaithful servant too. Not going where you wanted me to go, watching things on T.V. that was unhealthful to my thoughts and emotions. Also eating food that was unhealthful for the temple of Your Holy Spirit. So I come to ask forgiveness again. Please help me to be a servant who truly listens to You and then faithfully follows the instruction given by Your gracious promptings, for I long to hear those precious words spoken to my heart." "Well done thou good and faithful servant, thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord" Matthew 25:21
p.s. The land and log home were subsequently sold on the court house steps at auction to someone else several years later.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
The Glossy Image
The image on glossy photographic paper stirred my imagination. It was a small lodge like building, beautiful in the woods, mirrored by a lake and lush green grass in abundance. The trees looked full and tall as if standing as sentinels around the meadow. Perfect for sheep I thought. So far away. Could we travel that distance to a new home? Would our family come to visit for the holidays? I continued to look longingly at the picture in the brochure the agent had sent. The roof line was steep suggesting snowy winters. The windows large, inviting sunlight to travel across the rooms. How delightful I thought. I had been drawn into the picture. The forest beckoned, also the boat on the dock called to me. The sunlight drew shadows through the trees creating streams of brightness that played across the path. I longed to be on the path...
I heard my husband call me back to reality. "Let's go and look for ourselves." He encouraged me. So we went on the journey seeking a new place to live.
But photos and dreams are different than real life. The house was ordinary, the pond could not be seen even from the third floor bedroom window. The path and trees were so small and uninviting. Oh how disappointed I was.
"Father, I'm so thankful that this earth is not our home. That You truly are preparing a place for us, where the trees do stand as sentinels about the meadow, making safe pastures for the sheep of Your fold. Where the lakes and water will be abundant.
Where the River of Life flows for all to drink. Where the lush verdant grass will be like carpet under our feet. Until then, You give us a small glimpse, even if taken by a clever photographer to sell some real estate, to allow us to see a vision of Your handiwork in the heavenly land. Where eye hath not seen nor ear heard what You have gone to prepare for us.* Praises for imagination and beauty and the constant whisper in my heart that Your love is more precious than houses and lands. Keep my eyes fixed on You as I continue on the journey to my heavenly home."
*1 Cor.2:9 KJV
I heard my husband call me back to reality. "Let's go and look for ourselves." He encouraged me. So we went on the journey seeking a new place to live.
But photos and dreams are different than real life. The house was ordinary, the pond could not be seen even from the third floor bedroom window. The path and trees were so small and uninviting. Oh how disappointed I was.
"Father, I'm so thankful that this earth is not our home. That You truly are preparing a place for us, where the trees do stand as sentinels about the meadow, making safe pastures for the sheep of Your fold. Where the lakes and water will be abundant.
Where the River of Life flows for all to drink. Where the lush verdant grass will be like carpet under our feet. Until then, You give us a small glimpse, even if taken by a clever photographer to sell some real estate, to allow us to see a vision of Your handiwork in the heavenly land. Where eye hath not seen nor ear heard what You have gone to prepare for us.* Praises for imagination and beauty and the constant whisper in my heart that Your love is more precious than houses and lands. Keep my eyes fixed on You as I continue on the journey to my heavenly home."
*1 Cor.2:9 KJV
Monday, March 5, 2007
Lot's Wife
I am Lot's wife I know it...
I can feel it in my bones.
I keep looking back to Sodom
Where my children are alone.
Or is it just my children
My friends they are there too,
O dear Lord in mercy
Help me turn my face toward You.
And there's my house I treasure
With furnishings so fine
Please heal in my affliction,
So the praise can all be Thine
Help me make this journey
For these problems are my fault.
Please don't let me be paralyzed
In a pillar turned to salt.
(all rights reserved)
I can feel it in my bones.
I keep looking back to Sodom
Where my children are alone.
Or is it just my children
My friends they are there too,
O dear Lord in mercy
Help me turn my face toward You.
And there's my house I treasure
With furnishings so fine
Please heal in my affliction,
So the praise can all be Thine
Help me make this journey
For these problems are my fault.
Please don't let me be paralyzed
In a pillar turned to salt.
(all rights reserved)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The fence posts are white on top. Large soft snowflakes drift earthward to fall gently on the ground. Winter weaves her beauty between the barren lilac bushes. Leafless oak trees look like and unseen hand has just painted them with an artists' brush. Beauty is drifting downward. Help those Lord who have no chains for this unusual change of weather, for this morning the sky was a cloudless blue, the sun warming the crisp winter day. Just a few hours can change everything. Do I have food enough to weather this storm?. Plenty of water stored in the cupboards . Am I ever prepared for an emergency? We have no snow removal equipment. But for now I bask in the beauty of it all. And trust.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Hope (part 3)
She emerged from the barn door as if walking on stilts. Slowly like a robot she walked in front of us as we sat there with tears welling up in our eyes. Hope was walking! Praises to God. The work and prayers and effort had been honored by the Lord. She was a walking miracle.
About six weeks later a beautiful ewe lamb was born with an unusual silver colored fleece. I names her Miracle. Hope had provided two miracles...Herself and her new born lamb.
How true it is in daily life, hope does provide a miracle! But the lesson I learned from watching the drama being played out on my farm those months, was one the Lord taught me about standing. Hope stood during her attack which helped her not be gutted!
"Oh Lord, I thought, is it not that way with us, too? The enemy of our souls comes upon us like a roaring lion or a pack of wild dogs, seeking to kill and devour. But You tell us to stand. The fruit of a relationship with You, born by us, is the fruit of Thy sweet spirit. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and self Control. The devil wants to"gut" us so we no longer bear these attributes of intimacy! Oh. Father, praises You spoke to me in the drama of my farm, speaking also in the words of scripture that made sense to my heart. You place these armor parts upon my soul as I choose to accept them and stand. That You fight our battles, the battles is the Lord's and I am safe in Your tender care. When I fell and was damaged You cared and made me whole again, and thus a miracle was born.
"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet filled with the readiness that comes form the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Ephesians 6:11-18 NIV
"He said: 'Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's..You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you'" 2 Chronicles 2015.17 NIV
About six weeks later a beautiful ewe lamb was born with an unusual silver colored fleece. I names her Miracle. Hope had provided two miracles...Herself and her new born lamb.
How true it is in daily life, hope does provide a miracle! But the lesson I learned from watching the drama being played out on my farm those months, was one the Lord taught me about standing. Hope stood during her attack which helped her not be gutted!
"Oh Lord, I thought, is it not that way with us, too? The enemy of our souls comes upon us like a roaring lion or a pack of wild dogs, seeking to kill and devour. But You tell us to stand. The fruit of a relationship with You, born by us, is the fruit of Thy sweet spirit. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and self Control. The devil wants to"gut" us so we no longer bear these attributes of intimacy! Oh. Father, praises You spoke to me in the drama of my farm, speaking also in the words of scripture that made sense to my heart. You place these armor parts upon my soul as I choose to accept them and stand. That You fight our battles, the battles is the Lord's and I am safe in Your tender care. When I fell and was damaged You cared and made me whole again, and thus a miracle was born.
"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet filled with the readiness that comes form the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Ephesians 6:11-18 NIV
"He said: 'Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's..You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you'" 2 Chronicles 2015.17 NIV
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hope (part 2)
We made a straw bed in one of the largest lambing pens, water, alfalfa, and grain placed beside her. No interest in any of it I prayed and asked for wisdom. In all my years of raising sheep we had never had such an accident of this brutal nature.
Two long days passed. On the third day, seeking to encourage her to eat, I found she would only drink water so I held her bucket close and she sipped large gulps. As long as she was drinking I would help keep her alive. In time she ate from my hand and finally began the healing process of her wounds. However, she couldn't get up or even try. We'd roll her over, we'd put her on a tarp and drag her out to the pasture for sunlight and grass so she could nibble. The days she would try, I wouldn't. The days I'd try to help her, she was stubborn and difficult. Placing and removing bandages, Betadine for cleansing, and antibiotic's was a lot of daily care. One day a friend come by to help me removed the soiled and smelly bandages. I said to her, "Oh Kathy, I just can"t do this anymore, she's only a sheep!" Looking at me in despair, her words touched a cord of my heart, "You can't give up hope on Hope, can you?"
Two months had passed; we had just driven into the barn pasture with a load of bedding straw. Our old orange truck sputtered and strange noises emitted from it as we were ready to park outside the barn to unload the bales of hay, just then we saw Hope. (to be continued)
Two long days passed. On the third day, seeking to encourage her to eat, I found she would only drink water so I held her bucket close and she sipped large gulps. As long as she was drinking I would help keep her alive. In time she ate from my hand and finally began the healing process of her wounds. However, she couldn't get up or even try. We'd roll her over, we'd put her on a tarp and drag her out to the pasture for sunlight and grass so she could nibble. The days she would try, I wouldn't. The days I'd try to help her, she was stubborn and difficult. Placing and removing bandages, Betadine for cleansing, and antibiotic's was a lot of daily care. One day a friend come by to help me removed the soiled and smelly bandages. I said to her, "Oh Kathy, I just can"t do this anymore, she's only a sheep!" Looking at me in despair, her words touched a cord of my heart, "You can't give up hope on Hope, can you?"
Two months had passed; we had just driven into the barn pasture with a load of bedding straw. Our old orange truck sputtered and strange noises emitted from it as we were ready to park outside the barn to unload the bales of hay, just then we saw Hope. (to be continued)
Friday, February 23, 2007

That Friday started early! Lambs were being born in the soft glow of sunrise. By mid-morning I had returned from the veterinarians with a barn cat that had just been neutered. I was eager to get back to check on the newborns. As I walked toward the barn, my attention was drawn to the back pasture where some un-bred ewes were kept during lambing. Startled to see three unknown dogs in that pasture I yelled at them. I ran towards the ewes that were in a woolly clump looking intently towards the fleeing dogs. My ewes were safe. As I opened the gate to let the "girls" into the pond pasture, my eyes caught the form of one ewe fallen along the fence line separating the two pastures. I ran to her. In horror I realized that it was Hope,, a ewe sold at a barn sale early in her life, going to an elderly farmer who wanted to raise sheep again. However when he became ill. she was returned to me. She was now back on her birth farm in her older years. Thinking she had not been bred, I had put her with the small flock in that fateful pasture.
The neighbors' yard man heard my cries for help and came running to give assistance. Hope had been severely attacked. I thought she was dead. He assured me that she was alive, even though he spoke another language. He helped me realize she was still breathing. My husband arrived home from work and found us in the midst of this confusion. He and the gardener loaded Hope into the wheelbarrow and we put her in the horse trailer. I crawled in beside her and held her bleeding head. The dogs had torn off one ear and part of the hide on her nose, ripped her throat and the top of her neck severely, and damaged the two legs on her left side. She had stood against the fence line for most of her attack. I must have arrived about the time she fell, for she had not been gutted!
I heard the last words of the vet ringing in my ears, as I traveled home with her on Sunday following the accident. "If she's not up in two days, Bev, put her down" He had sewn her up the best he could and sonogrammed her as well and found she was pregnant. Now knowing her added condition I felt it was my task to help keep her alive. But two days seemed such a short time. Her legs were bad and how could I get her up? (to be continued)
The neighbors' yard man heard my cries for help and came running to give assistance. Hope had been severely attacked. I thought she was dead. He assured me that she was alive, even though he spoke another language. He helped me realize she was still breathing. My husband arrived home from work and found us in the midst of this confusion. He and the gardener loaded Hope into the wheelbarrow and we put her in the horse trailer. I crawled in beside her and held her bleeding head. The dogs had torn off one ear and part of the hide on her nose, ripped her throat and the top of her neck severely, and damaged the two legs on her left side. She had stood against the fence line for most of her attack. I must have arrived about the time she fell, for she had not been gutted!
I heard the last words of the vet ringing in my ears, as I traveled home with her on Sunday following the accident. "If she's not up in two days, Bev, put her down" He had sewn her up the best he could and sonogrammed her as well and found she was pregnant. Now knowing her added condition I felt it was my task to help keep her alive. But two days seemed such a short time. Her legs were bad and how could I get her up? (to be continued)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
It seems drab today...Rainy weather. The sky dark and dreary. The house however is warm and cozy with a fire ablaze in the wood stove. Life is good even on a day of enclosure from the elements. The puppy is having a hard time following me under the umbrella for potty breaks, he much prefers the warmth of his soft bed near the heat of the fire. He is a Great Dane of 11 weeks. I do miss the farm and all the activities there, but today it is nice to remember the people, pastures and places that really are my source of writing for this column. So in future days there will be a variety of poems and short stories that are from my pasture at large. the sphere of the life that has brought me insights and treasures of the heart that beckon to be shared with you my dear reader. Thank you for reading and encouraging me.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The Rescue
The day was hot! My neighbor gal and I were driving to a farm close by in my pickup with her horse trailer attached. Other farm friends had sold their place and needed a shelter for their four older ewes. To the rescue we were going!
Having sold the majority of my spinners flock, I had plenty of pasture and a sturdy barn, built by my husband, to care for the new additions.
It was more difficult than we expected to get the sheep loaded and before we had finished, one ewe had fallen when her master tried to pick her up and then another one knocked him down when rushing head long over him because she saw the other ewes already safely in the space provided in the trailer. We got them in without injury to anyone and the door finally closed. Opening the trailer door in my pasture, the ewes just stared at the open space looking out to my large, dry acreage, they were frozen with fear. They were more afraid of me however, and as I entered the trailer, they rushed out to their new home. In a clump of gray wool, they seemed to move in unison, a quartet of frightened woolly creatures who knew not the right from the left! Sheep hate change I mused. As I stood there watching them, I was so aware of my own dislike of things being altered or different or changed.
The next morning my ewes sought to check out the new additions. However there wasn't a hospitable ewe among them, as each was bonking the other's head, causing a sudden dislike for the new ewes and visa versa. Thankfully, the ewes did become acquainted and became relaxed in each other's presence.
"Oh, Father, are we like that? You go out to rescue us, bring us into a place of safety, built by Your own hands. We bang on each other's emotions and spirituality causing great harm and pain for all of us. Change is so hard. Help us to be loving and lovable Christians. People who are safe to be with and safe to save. And when you bring in the other flocks to the fold, may we rejoice in Your precious wooing love, to save us all."
Having sold the majority of my spinners flock, I had plenty of pasture and a sturdy barn, built by my husband, to care for the new additions.
It was more difficult than we expected to get the sheep loaded and before we had finished, one ewe had fallen when her master tried to pick her up and then another one knocked him down when rushing head long over him because she saw the other ewes already safely in the space provided in the trailer. We got them in without injury to anyone and the door finally closed. Opening the trailer door in my pasture, the ewes just stared at the open space looking out to my large, dry acreage, they were frozen with fear. They were more afraid of me however, and as I entered the trailer, they rushed out to their new home. In a clump of gray wool, they seemed to move in unison, a quartet of frightened woolly creatures who knew not the right from the left! Sheep hate change I mused. As I stood there watching them, I was so aware of my own dislike of things being altered or different or changed.
The next morning my ewes sought to check out the new additions. However there wasn't a hospitable ewe among them, as each was bonking the other's head, causing a sudden dislike for the new ewes and visa versa. Thankfully, the ewes did become acquainted and became relaxed in each other's presence.
"Oh, Father, are we like that? You go out to rescue us, bring us into a place of safety, built by Your own hands. We bang on each other's emotions and spirituality causing great harm and pain for all of us. Change is so hard. Help us to be loving and lovable Christians. People who are safe to be with and safe to save. And when you bring in the other flocks to the fold, may we rejoice in Your precious wooing love, to save us all."
"He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom
of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness
of sins" Colossians 1:13,14 NIV
"I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen, I must bring also. They too will
listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd."
John 10:16 NIV
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I found her lying in a pool of her own blood, cast in her stall,my precious ewe named Morning. She was old and I realized she had banged her head with repeated force over and over again trying to right herself, but she couldn't get up. Her many strokes over the past year had left her weak in her hind quarters and frail even on good days and now-this! She looked stiff and dead as I climbed over the stall side wall. Reaching down, I found she was still breathing. I lifted her bloody body to a correct position and saw her swollen eye and damaged ear. She was still alive-still breathing. I washed her wounds and put antibiotic ointment in her swollen, damaged eye.
Oh Lord, how many times have You come down to step over the wreckage of my life and found me wounded almost beyond repair and You have held my head up and noticed in Your infinite love that I was still breathing in the sense that my prayers were still ascending to Your throne of grace. I praise You for the text in Your Word that speaks to me:
Oh Lord, how many times have You come down to step over the wreckage of my life and found me wounded almost beyond repair and You have held my head up and noticed in Your infinite love that I was still breathing in the sense that my prayers were still ascending to Your throne of grace. I praise You for the text in Your Word that speaks to me:
"Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood and as you lay there in your own blood I said to you. 'Live.' Later I passed by and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you declares the Sovereign Lord, and you became mine. I bathed you with water and washed the blood from you and put ointment on you and dressed you in fine linen" Ezekiel 16:6,8,9 NIV
Monday, February 19, 2007
The pasture is long gone now where this story begins...However memory creates a weaving of threads of lambs being born...Water buckets filled to the brim...Alfalfa stored in my barn...Cats and chickens roaming free to the sound of water being agitated by the geese flapping their wings as they play goose games on the pond...Today is my first day to share these thoughts with you whom I've never met...But we can become friends by the sharing of stories from the heart...Given us from the benevolent hand of the Good Shepherd...For now, this is my beginning.
"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." 2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV
The Lone Honker
The lone Canadian honker came flying low over our pond, honking wildly. It was obvious he was searching for his mate. He'd fly low, not landing, going off in the directions of the another pond nearby, coming back again, and beckoning with his clarion call for some response to his broken heart.
I sat and watched from my rocking chair that early Fall morning the drama that played before my eyes sensing God's voice speaking to my heart.
"That's the the way it is with you my child. I come searching over the whole earth calling each morning for you to respond to My clarion call of mercy and love. To search and strengthen your resolve to be fully committed to Me."
Oh Father, thank you again for that picture of the lone goose who taught me so vividly that You come searching anew each morning as I surrender again my life to you in prayer.
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness. I say to myself. "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him." Lamentations 3:22-24 NIV
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