Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back To Earth And Upward

The whirlwind has calmed. The filming is completed and one program has been aired already. Three more in the future to be aired in their rightful time slots. Life has begun to take shape here at home again, after a wonderful Camp meeting and one daughters 30Th wedding anniversary celebrated last week end. So my feet are beginning to fit back on earth again. Walks in the woods await. Laundry being folded and put away after a good tumble in the dryer. Every day chores, such as doing dishes after meals and just basking in the reality of being home. New goals and activities to put in proper place and schedule end of summer picnics and creating a newer version of my cook book. Have some fun ideas and looking forward to the publishers response. Went to a wonderful gospel concert last evening in a dear friends back yard. She was celebrating the completion of her brick patio where all the round tables, linens,and crystal were displayed for guests to enjoy a lovely buffet and the music. All this over looked the lights of the many homes and roadways across the river. Lovely setting for an evening gathering. Gave me some good ideas. But the things I have learned over the last several months I do not want to forget. For I spent untold amounts of money, energy and time to be prepared, emotionally, physically and spiritually for my trip for the cooking show. I've thought about this much since my return. Have I or am I willing to do the same for the soon coming of my Lord in the clouds to take His children upward to their heavenly home?
To practice self denial of food, clothing or any other passion that would keep my focus distracted from being prepared. Would I give of myself of time and money to help prepare others for that glorious day as well. Oh, Father my prayer is that you take this earthen vessel and prepare me for that day of which we all long for. The coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. In His name I pray. Amen