Sunday, April 29, 2007


How the month has flown by and I have not been able to write my thoughts. Birthday celebrations, travel to and from each activity and a growing puppy to keep me sharp and on track to teach him his boundaries. He loves leather shoes, my husbands, guests or mine. I have given him my slippers and a variety if shoes, one at a time! Maybe that is the problem. Never give him a shoe he has destroyed to play with for then he feels shoes are his territory...Good idea. My resolve to lose some weight and tighten up the muscle tone by walking has been encouraged by joining a gym to help me realize my goal by mid-July, has started to show some signs of progress. I will be filming a television cooking school then with a very dear gal friend who will help and encourage me to be ready...Thoughts race through my mind regarding my title of a cook book expose' "Thoughts from a Born Again Health Nut" sharing the roller coaster ride of eating meat, to eating vegetarian, to being a vegan and back again several times in my life. So this time I pray that it is the final choice that will help me no longer be on the up and down ride. I want victory for my own body, mind and spirit.

Oh Lord of kitchen, spoon and knife-
Please give me victory in my life.

Make of me a person pure
For in this fight I must endure.

Not for position, place or fame
But to be a credit for Thy name.

Please help me as I loose this weight,
For I will be just what I ate...

Monday, April 2, 2007

Time Out

The last several weeks have been busy ones for us. Grand daughters wedding in another state, travel to and fro. Safety in coming and going...Company staying over night and the joy of raising a now four month Great Dane puppy...He has grown with great amazement, as I watch his huge front paws seem to become bigger every day. Friends and family enjoying his awkward going up and down steps and learning to grasp the reality of the word. NO!!! He has carved a place in our hearts as we watch him become larger almost moment by moment... The buds are blooming and the leaves sway in the soft breeze...The tulips and other bulbs speak in color that is is spring...Working with my remaining wool and knitting with my knitting circle of friends who have gathered monthly to spin, knit or bring something to show and tell from the weavers loom inspired me to write this poem

Threads of Promise

Weave O Lord of heaven and hearth, a thread of promise,
Dropped from the spindle of Thy word. Shuttled with Hope,
Encouragement, Love and Joy. Prompting my heart with
Compassion, to reach and touch the cord of humanity.
As You create a tapestry of beauty in each life this day.