Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The pondering for many days had been in how I want to re-vamp my cook book and how to go about it...The jotting down in my journal all the things I'd like to see in print have been whirling around in my brain for many days...Then I wrote it all down again, the very next day I was in one of our Big Box stores in the area perusing through the books and there before my eyes was the concept...Printed, finished, completed with however some minor details, it wasn't my work nor did it feature what I had tended to think was the theme I had wanted to celebrate...Was this a coincidence or was the Lord seeking to speak to me in words of assurance that the idea was timely and perfect for the market now for cook book sales and reader interest...Wow. was I ever amazed, pleased and challenged to continue to seek the path that I had thought was the right one laid out before me...What an affirmation...Now the hard work begins...Doing it! So my prayer is that I will be able to allow the Lord to complete the work He has before me...There is a song, built on a text of scripture... "He who began a good work in you, is able to complete it..." Paraphrase of Philippians 1:6 So the work begins.