Monday, March 31, 2008

Before the Day Ends

Time is fast fading into a new month called April...A month that brings showers and delightful hues in the colors of display from flowers, trees buds unfurling in all their beauty and fresh spring green on the black oak leaves to begin a canopy over my walking path. Even the pine needles are fragrant and bright green. The lawns smell good after being mowed, the weeds send out a sweet aroma after the mower runs a path to walk on...Spring is here... Just returned from a wonderful Prayer Retreat up in the mountains. The time spent there was refreshing and precious to my soul. Visiting with old friends and new. Praying together for mutual needs and concerns...Reaching out to those who were hurting. Using James 5:13 and onward as a format to pray with and for others and the same in return to nurture and help heal the broken places in our souls...Praises for a new and glorious day with sunshine, clear blue sky...Help me remember before the day ends that I will continue to praise you no matter what happens, for I have just come from a mountain top experience back to the low-lands of life, and the troubles have come already...I will keep looking up to Jesus and not be dissuaded by what I see around me...Praise His name forever...

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