Monday, May 19, 2008

Plain Wrapping

Time has flown it seems faster than usual...Busy with spring activities that come bunched up in everyday life...Sometimes with no ribbons or bows tucked round the day. Just plain wrappings will have to do for most hours of my life recently...The very hot weather has made me long for the coolness of the past several weeks, where all the roses were happy in their opening of fresh buds of color and grandeur...The bird bath however is still being sought after by a variety of winged creatures including the birds...And of course the feeders are emptied every other day by birds of song and rivalry...The hummers almost touch my face with delight when I come to refill their sweet red water...The baskets full of cascading flowers hang from tree limb or other metal crooks that make the "bird sanctuary" so lovely to behold as I spend my morning worship time outdoors on the cooler mornings...praises to our Lord who gives us seasons in our life as well...Today seemed like a hot dry spell...Needing much water of the Spirit to refresh me from wilting in the heat of the day...Both spiritually and physically...Tonight I do feel nourished and my droopy edges have been uplifted by God's grace...Praises and thanksgiving ascend even in a brown paper day...

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